Friday, August 12, 2011

Even Deeper Pockets

Qvo Mi Familia'
Here is another drop from that crazy fool Macabre. This is vol. 2 with some firme rolas to cruz to. So sit back enjoy the funk while you funk....


  1. Aww Hell Yeah,Another FUNK drop..Thats what I'm talking about homie...The last drop was FIRME and I'm sure this one will be right there with it...NiceJob on that Back Door..I mean back cover homie....

  2. Say Mac, both of the "Rides" are firme fo sho.LOL
    Good ta see ya drop some of yur funk stuff on some of my younger brothas & sistahs.

  3. Hey everyone,
    I hope everyone is enjoying the album the last one is one of the homies favorites...lets see if its true.
